Been too busy to post. Tuesday I biked 25 miles, very scenic but lots of hills. Took pictures of wildflowers. In the afternoon we took a 3 hour kayak tour. Kris and I did well, we saw seals and the weather was perfect. Dinner in last night, appetizers...we just chilled. Took a picture of a cool beer shirt at the Marina.
Today I got about 30-35 miles in, parts were very hilly. Found out one section is called the wall, about 15 percent incline, I used the granny gear, but made it up fine. Not the Morgul Bismark, but still cool. We did some browsing/shopping. Stopped at a local place that sells home spun yarn and goat meat. A combination that has to appeal to most everyone!
Out to dinner tonight, hope there is goat on the menu!